The Relatives

“Gooey power pop with a dangerous garage-rock edge” This is how The Relatives have been described by the press. Based out of Orange California, The Relatives have been making their presence known to club goers throughout Southern California.

relatives3The Relatives are Dennis LeBlanc, Jason Arthur and Chris Gyga. Dennis and Jason formed the band early in 1997 and have spend their time together honing their songwriting skills finding a natural feel for fun three minute pop gems with a ragged intensity the likes of Hoodoo Gurus and Material Issue.Dennis and Jason are not newcomers to the music scene. Both have had their share of success in punk bands, but now find a much happier home pounding out pop hits. Chris became a Relative in 1998 and the group has been firing on all cylinders ever since.
Today, The Relatives continue to write strong original material (they are currently at work with their third CD, tentatively titled “Tilted World”) but have also expanded their repertoire by learning covers from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and beyond. “We have brought in the covers so we can widen our exposure through multiple gig opportunities,” explains drummer Chris Cyga. This puts us in front of new people who we can hopefully turn on to our original stuff.”  Jason Arthur adds, “It also funds our recording projects, which is our main goal.”

Meet… The Relatives
Dirty Little Secret

Isn’t She Still… The Pretty in Pink Soundtrack Revisited
Even Better Than The Real Thing – A Tribute To U2
Immaculate Deception – A Tribute To The Music Of Madonna
A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit Neil – A Tribute To Neil Diamond

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